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Scrcpy 2.0, with audio

I am thrilled to announce the release of scrcpy 2.0. Now, you can mirror (and record) your Android 11+ devices in real-time with audio forwarded to your computer!

This new version also includes an option to select the video and audio codecs. The device screen can now be encoded in H.265, or even AV1 if your device supports AV1 encoding (though this is unlikely).

The application is free and open source. Follow the instructions to install it and run it on your computer.

If you like scrcpy, you can support my open source work.


Audio usage

Audio forwarding is supported for devices with Android 11 or higher, and it is enabled by default:

  • For Android 12 or newer, it works out-of-the-box.
  • For Android 11, you’ll need to ensure that the device screen is unlocked when starting scrcpy. A fake popup will briefly appear to make the system think that the shell app is in the foreground. Without this, audio capture will fail.
  • For Android 10 or earlier, audio cannot be captured and is automatically disabled.

You can disable audio with:

scrcpy --no-audio

If audio is enabled, it is also recorded:

scrcpy --record=file.mkv

Unlike video, audio requires some buffering even in real-time. The buffer size needs to be small enough to maintain acceptable latency, but large enough to minimize buffer underrun, which causes audio glitches. The default buffer size is set to 50ms, but it can be adjusted:

scrcpy --audio-buffer=30

To improve playback smoothness, you may deliberately increase the latency:

scrcpy --audio-buffer=200

This is useful, for example, to project your personal videos on a bigger screen:

scrcpy --video-codec=h265 --display-buffer=200 --audio-buffer=200

You can also select the audio codec and bit rate (default is Opus at 128Kbps). As a side note, I’m particularly impressed by the Opus codec at very low bit rate:

scrcpy --audio-codec=opus --audio-bit-rate=16k
scrcpy --audio-codec=aac --audio-bit-rate=16k

See the audio documentation page for more details.


The first version of scrcpy was released 5 years ago. Since then, audio forwarding has been one of the most requested features (see issue #14).

I made a first experimentation and developed USBaudio as a solution, but it worked poorly and the feature it relied on was deprecated in Android 8.

With the introduction of a new API to capture audio from an Android app in Android 10, I made a prototype called sndcpy. However, there were several issues. Firstly, it required to be invoked from an Android app (the scrcpy server is not an Android app, but a Java executable run with shell permissions). Most importantly, this API lets apps decide whether they can be captured or not, meaning many apps simply could not be captured, causing confusion for users.

By the end of January, @yume-chan (a scrcpy user), provided a proof-of-concept to capture the device audio with shell permissions and also proposed a working workaround for Android 11.

Since then, I have been working on a proper integration into scrcpy (my evenings and weekends have been quite busy 🙂). I added encoding, recording, buffering and playback with clock drift compensation to prevent audio delay from drifting.

Below are more technical details.

Audio capture

On the device, audio is captured by an AudioRecord with REMOTE_SUBMIX as the audio source.

The API is straightforward to use, but not very low-latency friendly. It is possible to read a number of requested bytes in one of two modes:

  • READ_BLOCKING: the read will block until all the requested data is read (it should be called READ_ALL_BLOCKING).
  • READ_NON_BLOCKING: the read will return immediately after reading as much audio data as possible without blocking.

However, the most useful mode, which is a blocking read that may return less data than requested (like the read() system call), is missing.

Since the amount of data available is unknown beforehand, in READ_BLOCKING mode, scrcpy might wait for too long. Conversely, in READ_NON_BLOCKING mode, scrcpy would read in a live-loop, burning CPU while the function returns 0 most of the time.

I decided to use READ_BLOCKING with a size of 5ms (960 bytes).

Anyway, in practice, on the devices I tested on, audio blocks are produced only every 20ms, introducing a latency of 20ms. This is not a limiting factor though, since default OPUS and AAC encoders implementations on Android produce frame sizes of 960 samples (20ms) and 1024 samples (21.33ms) respectively (and they are not configurable).

In these conditions, scrcpy reads successively 4 blocks of 5 ms every 20ms. Although the number of requested bytes could be increased to 20ms (3840 bytes), in theory some devices might capture audio faster.

With the missing blocking mode (READ_BLOCKING_THE_REAL_ONE), it would be possible to request a read with a larger buffer (e.g. 500ms) in one call, and the AudioRecord would return as much data as possible whenever it is available.

Audio encoding

The captured audio samples are then encoded by MediaCodec, which offers both synchronous and asynchronous APIs.

For our purpose, we need to execute two actions in parallel:

  • sending input audio buffers (read by our AudioRecord);
  • receiving output audio buffers (the encoded packets).

Therefore, the asynchronous API is more suitable than the synchronous one.

Here is how it is documented:

MediaCodec codec = MediaCodec.createByCodecName(name);
codec.setCallback(new MediaCodec.Callback() {
    void onInputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec mc, int inputBufferId) {
        ByteBuffer inputBuffer = codec.getInputBuffer(inputBufferId);
        // fill inputBuffer with valid data
        codec.queueInputBuffer(inputBufferId, );

    void onOutputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec mc, int outputBufferId, ) {
        ByteBuffer outputBuffer = codec.getOutputBuffer(outputBufferId);
        // outputBuffer is ready to be processed or rendered.
        codec.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufferId, );


However, there is a catch: the callbacks (onInputBufferAvailable() and onOutputBufferAvailable()) are called from the same thread and cannot run in parallel.

Filling an input buffer requires a blocking call to read from the AudioRecord, while processing the output buffers involves a blocking call to send the data to the client over a socket.

If we were to process the buffers directly from the callbacks, the processing of an output buffer would be delayed until the blocking call to AudioRecord.read() completes (which may be up to 20ms as described in the previous section). This would result in additional latency.

To address this issue, the callback only submits tasks to input and output queues, which are processed by dedicated threads:

// simplified
codec.setCallback(new MediaCodec.Callback() {
    void onInputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec mc, int inputBufferId) {
        inputTasks.put(new InputTask(index));

    void onOutputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec mc, int outputBufferId,
                                 MediaCodec.BufferInfo bufferInfo) {
        outputTasks.put(new OutputTask(index, bufferInfo);


Client architecture

Here is an overview of the client architecture for the video and audio streams:

                                                 V4L2 sink
                                     /         \
        VIDEO -------------> demuxer             display
        AUDIO -------------> demuxer
                                       decoder --- audio player

The video and audio are captured and encoded on the device, and the resulting packets are sent via separate sockets over an adb tunnel using a custom protocol. This protocol transmits the raw encoded packets with packet headers that provide early information about packet boundaries (useful to reduce video latency) and PTS (used for recording).

Video and audio streams are then demuxed into packets by a demuxer.

If recording is enabled, the recorder asynchronously muxes the elementary streams into MP4 or MKV. Thus, the packets are encoded on the device side, but muxed on the client side (it’s the division of labour!).

If a display or V4L2 is enabled, then the video packets must be decoded by a decoder into video frames to be displayed or sent to V4L2.

If audio playback is enabled (currently when a display is enabled), the audio packets are decoded into audio frames (blocks of samples) and played by the audio player.

Audio player

This is the last component I implemented (I wrote recording before playback), because it is the trickiest, especially to compensate for the following:

  • clock offset: the audio output might not start precisely when necessary to play the samples at the right time;
  • clock drift: the device clock and the client clock may not advance at precisely the same rate;
  • buffer underrun: when the player has no samples available when requested by the audio output.

While scrcpy displays the latest received video frame without buffering, this isn’t possible for audio. Playing the latest received audio sample would be meaningless.

As input, the player regularly receives AVFrames of decoded audio samples. As output, a callback regularly requests audio samples to be played. In between, an audio buffer stores produced samples that have yet to be consumed.

The player aims to feed the audio output with as little latency as possible while avoiding buffer underrun. To achieve this, it attempts to maintain the average buffering (the number of samples present in the buffer) around a target value. If this target buffering is too low, then buffer underrun will occur frequently. If it is too high, then latency becomes unacceptable. This target value is configured using the scrcpy option --audio-buffer.

The playback relies only on buffer filling, the PTS are not used at all by the audio player (just as they are not used for video mirroring, unless video buffering is enabled). PTS are only used for recording.

The player cannot adjust the sample input rate (it receives samples produced in real-time) or the sample output rate (it must provide samples as requested by the audio output callback). Therefore, it may only apply compensation by resampling (converting m input samples to n output samples).

The compensation itself is applied by swresample (FFmpeg). It is configured using swr_set_compensation(). An important work for the player is to estimate the compensation value regularly and apply it.

The estimated buffering level is the result of averaging the “natural” buffering (samples are produced and consumed by blocks, so it must be smoothed), and making instant adjustments resulting of its own actions (explicit compensation and silence insertion on underflow), which are not smoothed.

Buffer underflow events can occur when packets arrive too late. In that case, the player inserts silence. Once the packets finally arrive (late), one strategy could be to drop the samples that were replaced by silence, in order to keep a minimal latency. However, dropping samples in case of buffer underflow is inadvisable, as it would temporarily increase the underflow even more and cause very noticeable audio glitches.

Therefore, the player doesn’t drop any sample on underflow. The compensation mechanism will absorb the delay introduced by the inserted silence.


I’m delighted that scrcpy now supports audio forwarding after much effort.

While I expect that the audio player will require some fine-tuning in the future to better handle edge cases, it currently performs quite well.

I would like to extend a huge thank you to @yume-chan for his initial proof-of-concept, which made this feature possible.

Happy mirroring!